Racist – Pete Hoekstra Ad

This is ridiculous portrayal of a Chinese person. I don’t even know where to start about the actress that agreed to do this. I try to withhold judgment, but this is a job no Asian should accept. I’m not sure what the situation is there…

Regardless, the real perpetrator is Pete Hoekstra who approved this ad.

This ad shows a person riding through rice fields on a bike and stopping to speak some really bad broken English. It’s not even the kind of broken English that makes any sense. Her words are perfect and without accent, but she just skips words and sounds stupid. You go all the way racist, and she would at least have some sort of accent with her English words.

Regardless, most people don’t even know what it’s really like in China. This rice paddy, riding bikes crap is really offensive. Are there parts of China that are still like that? Yes, but there are parts of America that some may consider “backwards” as well.

The best part is always looking at comments left by articles. It’s amazing where you get these comments of “I don’t see why it’s racist…and I’m Asian!” In many cases, these are brain-washed by the media Asians. Then there are the people of other races that don’t understand it at all…but in many cases these people have never felt racism. Not the “they don’t think I can dance because I’m white” racism but real racism where you feel not accepted in the country you were born and grew up in.

Enough for now. On a positive note, Jeremy Lin shattering stereotypes by playing some great basketball with the Knicks!

Huffington Post article

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