Fortune Magazine: Dominic Orr, Confessions of a CEO

The November 12, 2007 edition of Fortune magazine features Chinese CEO, Dominic Orr, on the cover. He is currently the CEO of Aruba Networks but also was once CEO of Alteon Websystems. Both of these are US based companies.

Yet, the story wasn’t about the successful CEO but a story of his workaholic lifestyle. This does indeed paint a picture of the stereotypical Asian who is driven and works very hard, but yet it also shows an amazing openness and frankness to share his story that many other CEOs would never do regardless of race. You can see his work dedication, his pains, and his efforts to reconcile for his past.

This is a great story and his story is one we can all learn from.

Article online here

November 13th, 2007 admin Posted in Business | Comments Off

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