De-Americanization of Asian Americans

There has been the resurfacing issue of Asian-Americans not being treated fairly. With these articles, I always find it interesting how non-Asians try to actually defend that people should just suck it up or that other minorities are treated poorly too. Yet, many just can’t relate since they have not felt the brunt of that burden.

I think a recent example is the top 10 report by Steven Colbert: racist video.

I’m disappointed the Steven has a Ching Chong Ding Dong character. Again, if he tried to impersonate Africans, I think the outrage would be much greater. And yet, the general US population lets the Asian character slide.

Just listen to how hard the people in the audience laugh and clapping when either Rush’s or Colbert’s character make fun of Chinese by trying to imitate the language. Now listen again to the audience when Rush imitates his version of “African American”. Much more silent. The right answer? Outrage for both. It’s not entertainment for one and outrage for another.

Bill Hing writes an excellent post about the recent suicide of Private Danny Chen and other atrocities throughout US history in this article here:

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