Asian American Most Bullied Teens

Sadly, there is no surprise for me when I read this. Still 54% is a crazy high number. I have personally felt the effects of this growing up though, and it’s no joke.

One thing to ponder though is what makes it so pervasive towards certain minorities. Back a few decades ago, African Americans suffered a lot of discrimination, but they have made very impressive progress. I’m not naive and still believe some discrimination still occurs, but not quite in the same way.

A lot of people are so dismissive when media feeds stereotypes or make fun of Asians. Sadly, a lot of Asians are also dismissive of it. We are all a product of our culture and media plays a significant role. Imagine a world where all TV shows portrayed the Asian American male and female as strong, powerful, most attractive, etc. When bombarded with that message, it will take hold. That is what people will believe.

Imagine a world in Asian American males are portrayed as weak, submissive, undesirable, nerdy, threatening, etc…well, welcome to the USA. I will give some credit…change is happening but VERY slowly. More slow than other minorities it seems. So why haven’t Asian Americans fought for more change? Many of us don’t feel we have to. Many of us feel successful in well paying careers. We win the long battle in the corporate front. But there are still barriers in climbing the highest ladders if you haven’t started the company yourself though.

Some real protests to injustices we see is reasonable. We just need to believe enough to fight when appropriate.

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