Oh Hollywood, will you not learn your lesson?

You would think that people would learn lessons from others. Hollywood in the past wouldn’t hire African American actors but are now making a fortune off of many of them. So…don’t exclude other races, especially when some roles are actually meant for them such as Asian Americans!

So the latest blunder has to do with the animated cartoon “Avatar: the last airbender” which aired on Nickelodean. This hit show in itself did actually provide a platform for Asians to see an Asian-inspired show with Asian-inspired themes and characters. The success inspired a live-action movie.

Dig in a little deeper and that’s where it starts to go bad. The cartoon itself was created by two Caucasians which is ok, but I wonder if two Asian Americans pitched the same idea that it would have launched. Maybe that’s too much speculation, but the outrage is that the new cast of unknowns are all Caucasians too! This is ridiculous given the themes and content of the cartoon.

We’re making some inroads, but obviously not quick enough.

Story here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/01/28/apop012809.DTL

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