Mohegan Sun: Catering to Asians

Are Asians really big gamblers? Not that there aren’t other ethnicities, but when you look at the Poker tournaments on TV as well as strolling through casinos, you do notice there are definitely Asians. Does this have anything to do with Asian culture?

Well, Mohegan Sun seems to think that there is a significant enough Asian presence to market directly to that niche. They just opened up a gambling and eating area called Sunrise Square to target Asians coming from Boston and NYC. The marketing group at Mohegan Sun states that 25% of the table game revenue come from Asian Americans, and that the clientele has grown by 45% in the past two years.

How do you break down that data? Well, I don’t believe that 1 in 4 people in the Northeast region are Asian. But, they also state that it’s revenue and not visitors. Is it possible that the Asians that come play with a bigger bank roll? The clientele has grown quite a bit though. It’d be interesting to see more statistics, but the bottom line is that it is indeed a significant group to the Mohegan Sun.


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