Asian Americans…brainy, affluent, over-achieving?

So full disclaimer…I probably fit this description although even within this umbrella there are so many different types. When you examine Asian Americans, how can you even try to classify everyone from Asia as being similar in any way? It’s impossible.

When looking at a recent government report, there are a lot of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Indian students that do fit this mold but many Asians do not (and even many individuals in the previous ethnicities listed). Many of the families that have these “model minority” children have saved money for their children’s college and don’t depend on their children for income at home.

Pacific Islanders and Southeast Asians of Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, Thai, and Burmese descent are found to not be enrolled in as many rigorous math and reading classes. Many also have to work to make money to help out with the family.

The bottom line is really that you can’t group all Asian-Americans together because as a group, they appear to have a high level of education and income but looking at sub-groups paints a different picture. For the enlightened, how obvious can it get? But unfortunately there are still a whole lot of unenlightened people out there.

Article here: August 6th, 2007 admin Posted in Stereotypes | Comments Off

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