Liu Xiang, men’s 110 M hurdle World Record Holder

This is old news, but I still find it relatively unknown news even among my friends. In addition, I love sports, and this also breaks down the stereotype that Asians aren’t athletic. Any person who isn’t ignorant should realize this, but there still is a lot of ignorance out there.

Liu Xiang took the gold in the Athens Olympic Games, and his most recent major accomplishment is to set a new world record at the Super Grand Prix in Lausanne on July 11, 2006 with a time of 12.88 seconds. Here is a video of the event:

Liu was born in Shanghai on July 13, 1983, and his official site is here:

The world is becoming a smaller place with Asians penetrating the top levels of sports in baseball, basketball, and more. I’m excited to see more coverage. This site isn’t going to be about Asians in sports, but it will definitely be a component of it. Look for more profiles later.

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